Mr. Kringle


“Every gift is just a little piece of Santa…”
Introducing Mr. Kringle,
In the spirit of giving, or in his case taking 9 (your head), is a festive offering for the Christmas holiday season. This professionally distressed and aged Mr. Kringle costume comes complete with Santa suit, custom belt , distressed beard, hat and hair, severed “Naughty” bloody Santa head, gloves , 3 very unlucky elf-on-a-shelf elves in bloody shackles w/ also a custom Xmas light-up bloody axe adorned with jingle bells as his weapon of choice. (Skin mask not included). Custom sizing fees from sizes 3XL and up will apply. 
Just be glad he only comes once a year!
As always…FREE USPS/UPS U.S. shipping is included.
Please provide your measurements
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Bloody pouch w/ double headed hatchet, barbwire and rustic, bloody chains.
I understand production takes 3–6 months, and refunds won’t be issued for cancellations once custom work has begun.
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Mr. Kringle…Def NAUGHTY!

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custom sizes 25


custom sizes 25

